November 2021

Sermon | Where a Little Is Everything

Where a Little is Everything

October 2021

Sermon | Where The Blind Can See

Jesus doesn’t just listen to the prayers of his followers. Jesus listens to and hears the cries of those that are desperate for him. And Jesus desires to wipe away all of those tears and heal all of those broken pieces.

Sermon | Jesus Welcomes the Children

Pastor Tabitha shares a story from Mark 10 about children and the Kingdom of God

August 2021

Sermon | Embrace Community

May 2021

Sermon | Remain

Pastor Tabitha explains how a vine with branches is a powerful way of understanding our relationship with Jesus.  

February 2021

Sermon | Who Seeks Jesus

Pastor Tabitha shares a message that reminds us that everyone is seeking Jesus, even if they don’t know that it is Jesus they are seeking.