February 2021
Sermon | Good Soil
Pastor Tanner shares a message on being Jesus’ family this second week of Lent Mark 3:31-4:9
Sermon | What is God Like?
In our final Sunday of the Seeing Jesus : Seeing God series, we see the glory of God present in Jesus. But not everyone who ever met Jesus witnessed this event. Only those who stayed closest to Jesus.
Midweek | Reading the Bible Well – pt 3
Here is our second installment in Reading the Bible Well. This is midweek study series in which Pastor Tanner provides an introduction to Reading the Bible Well.
Midweek | Reading the Bible Well – pt 2
Pastor Tanner leads a multi-week study in understanding the Bible. We explore some information about the Bible, but also provide tools to aid us in our study and Bible reading.
January 2021
Sermon | What Does God Say?
If we believe Jesus is who he says he is, we should know what Jesus taught and commit to following that teaching.